Spoken words Opening Scene Disney Illuminations

Published: maart 3, 2017 / Last Updated: maart 3, 2017 / By: Arvid Bux

Ahead of the start of the 25th Anniversary activities, Disneyland Paris has released the opening scene of the new Nighttime Show: Disney Illuminations. Disney Illumination starts with a narration while the suspense is build up. Mickey moves along the castle.

DLP 25 Disney Illumination

Spoken Words Opening Scene Disney Illuminations

Within each of us, is a dreamer just waiting to be awakened.

We all have the magic to unlock this inner child

It’s what gives us the power to turn the world we know

into a magical place only we can imagine.

It’s a place where fantasies are real

and any dream can become a reality, you are the king.

But sometimes that inner child needs an invitation to come out and play.

This is your invitation to dream

Découvrez la scène d'ouverture de « ©Disney Illumination » [AVANT-PREMIÈRE]

When the narration ends, the song “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” starts playing. Mickey is seen in a variety of scenes in which the castle is transformed into amazing displays.

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