Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind to receive a Christmas Overlay
Published: junio 23, 2022 / Last Updated: junio 23, 2022 / By: Arvid Bux
Buried in the Halfway to the Holidays announcement for Walt Disney World, it was mentioned that Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind will receive a Christmas Overlay.
This season, the Guardians will trade in their classic hits playlist for a mash-up of seasonal jams at Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind at EPCOT. Guests will blast off to the tune of an awesome holiday single, bringing joy to Xandar and Terra, too.
We haven’t experienced the ride in its normal offering, but as we do love Christmas, we can’t wait to see all that this overlay will bring to this new EPCOT attraction.