Castle Show “Follow Your Dreams” debuts at Hong Kong Disneyland

Published: June 30, 2021 / Last Updated: June 30, 2021 / By: Arvid Bux

Today saw the debut of “Follow Your Dreams,” the new castle show at Hong Kong Disneyland. This first-of-its-kind outdoor musical party continues the 15th Anniversary of the resort. This new show also kicks off the summer activities at the park and the resort hotels.

Dream Big

Michael Moriarty, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, said: “This castle show encourages everyone to pursue their dreams. And thanks to the magical work from our Disney Live Entertainment team, along with the incredible talents of our performers from all around the world, “Follow Your Dreams” symbolizes a new chapter here at Hong Kong Disneyland, all the while against the backdrop of our beautiful new castle.

After what has been an extraordinarily challenging time in Hong Kong and around the world, the show is a testament to the spirit and perseverance of Disney, particularly on the back of our 15th-anniversary celebration and castle launch. To me, it demonstrates how our incredible brand, our cast members, our products, and experiences are all absolutely crucial assets to our success as we continue recovering from the effects of the pandemic. Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is part of the Hong Kong community, and we will continue to work together with our industry partners for reviving Hong Kong’s tourism.

Electronic Dance Music, K-Pop, and everything in between

“Follow Your Dreams” runs for about 20-minutes and contains high-energy music and live singing. The show even gots its own brand-new song called “Follow Your Dreams.” Other well-known songs have been rearranged and provided to give guests a never-before-heard experience. The show features a wide range of music, from electronic dance music and K-Pop, to everything in between.

Your Favorite Disney Characters

Mickey Mouse and many other Disney characters, including Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pocahontas, Moana, and Elsa, as well as Miguel from Coco and Nick and Judy from Zootopia, will take to the stage accompanied by singers and dancers, magnificent large-scale props, and effects such as fog jets, bubbles, and sparklers.

Explore the Footprint of “Follow Your Dreams”

Guests can also continue exploring the footprint “Follow Your Dreams” by heading to Adventureland to catch a glimpse of Pocahontas and Moana. They can also stop by the Animation Academy, where they can take home their own drawings of Zootopia’s Judy!

Reserved Viewing Area

Guests can purchase the Disney “Priority Special+” Attraction and Castle Show Reserved Viewing Area Admission Pass, which comes with priority access to eight selected attractions.

Follow Your Dreams Schedule

“Follow Your Dreams” will be presented multiple times a day during the daytime (check the app for accurate times). The show runs for 20 minutes and can be seen from the hub and the new area in front of the castle.

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